Memorial And Funeral Service Options: The Differences Between The Two

While most people are familiar with the traditional funeral services, few people understand that there is, or can be, a difference between a funeral service and a memorial service. If you have recently lost a loved one and you are hoping for something a little bit more personal than your typical funeral service, here are some of the differences to consider between the two.

Location Options Abound

A typical funeral service is traditionally held in a church, at the gravesite, or in a funeral home. These are pretty standard expectations. However, when you plan a memorial service, you don't have to look to one of these standard options.

In fact, a memorial service can be held anywhere you want it to be. If there is somewhere that was a favorite spot for your deceased loved one, consider hosting the memorial service there as a nod to their memory and their appreciation of that location. Whether it's a public garden, a spot in their backyard, or any other favorite hideaway, this is a great way to make the memorial service more personal.

You Can Control The Guest List

Most funeral services are published in the local news, so anyone who wishes to attend may do so. This can add a bit of impersonal feeling to the service, especially if you don't know all of the people who show up.

A memorial service, on the other hand, can be held as a private event that you send out invitations to. That way, you control who is there to commemorate your loved one and celebrate his or her life in that moment. The memorial service is a great opportunity for the close-knit friends and family to gather and support each other.

It's A Great Opportunity To Share Memories

Whether you create a presentation with pictures from your loved one's life or you have a memory jar where everyone can write down their favorite memory of the deceased and then read them all aloud, the memorial service is a quiet opportunity for reflection and sharing memories together. This is ideal in those situations where a small group was particularly close to the deceased and you all want a special moment to celebrate those memories together.

It Doesn't Have To Be One Or The Other

If you're torn between a memorial service and a traditional funeral service, the good news is that you don't have to stick with one or the other. Most funeral homes will offer a traditional funeral and burial service for everyone to gather, and may even be able to help you plan the additional memorial service, too. Don't feel like you have to miss out on one or the other when you have the freedom to do both. Contact a service, like DiPonzio Funeral Home Inc, for more help.
